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O nás

Vážení návštěvníci vítejte na webových stránkách PRAGUE TICKET CONCERT. Náplní naší společnosti je předprodej vstupenek na nejrůznější kulturní akce v Praze. Prioritou naší společnosti je vysoká úroveň propagace všech smluvních partnerů a etika prodeje.

Další informace

Naše nabídka zahrnuje koncerty či představení v historických a kulturně prestižních místech jako je Obecní dům, Klementinum, Bazilika sv, Jiří, Španělská synagoga, Kostel sv. Jiljí, Sv. Martin ve Zdi, Sv. Mikuláš na staroměstském náměstí, Sv. Salvator aj.

Naše společnost prodává vstupenky bez servisních poplatků a příplatků. Vždy garantujeme nejnižší možnou cenu, která se shoduje s cenou pořadatele akce. Všechny způsoby rezervace vstupenek jsou v našem prodejním systému bezplatné. Pro prodej vstupenek využívá naše společnost výhradně internetového obchodu PRAGUE TICKET www.prague-ticket-concert.com.

Seznam koncertů

The Four Seasons, Gypsy Airs Op. 20

28.05.2024 - 20:00 Price from 25,83 (650 Kč)
Municipal House - Smetana Hall

Experience the unique atmosphere of the Art Nouveau era. Immerse yourself in the elegance of the past.

The Best of Classics

29.05.2024 - 20:00 Price from 25,83 (650 Kč)
Municipal House - Smetana Hall

Experience the unique atmosphere of the Art Nouveau era. Immerse yourself in the elegance of the past.

The Great Classical Music

30.05.2024 - 20:00 Price from 25,83 (650 Kč)
Municipal House - Smetana Hall

Experience the unique atmosphere of the Art Nouveau era. Immerse yourself in the elegance of the past.

The Four Seasons, Gypsy Airs Op. 20

31.05.2024 - 20:00 Price from 25,83 (650 Kč)
Municipal House - Smetana Hall

Experience the unique atmosphere of the Art Nouveau era. Immerse yourself in the elegance of the past.

Vivaldi - Four Seasons in Smetana hall

08.06.2024 - 20:00 Price from 3,97 (100 Kč)
Municipal House - Smetana Hall

Dvořák Symphony Orchestra Prague (chamber) present Mozart, Dvořák, Smetana and Vivaldi in Smetana Hall.

Gala concert in Smetana hall

17.06.2024 - 20:00 Price from 3,97 (100 Kč)
Municipal House - Smetana Hall

Dvořák Symphony Orchestra Prague (chamber) present Vivaldi, Dvořák, Rossini and Smetana. Dvorak Symphony Orchestra Prague will perform in a chamber cast with conductor - pianist and leading Czech singers and ballet soloists. Singers and ballet soloists will perform in period costumes.

Vivaldi - Four Seasons in Smetana hall

13.07.2024 - 20:00 Price from 3,97 (100 Kč)
Municipal House - Smetana Hall

Dvořák Symphony Orchestra Prague (chamber) present Mozart, Dvořák, Smetana and Vivaldi in Smetana Hall.

Music from Movies

20.07.2024 - 20:00 Price from 3,97 (100 Kč)
Municipal House - Smetana Hall

Dvořák Symphony Orchestra Prague (chamber) presents famous movie hits from the movies Mamma Mia, Titanic, Bohemian Rhapsody, Skyfall and many others.

Gala Opera and Ballet in Municipal House

22.07.2024 - 20:00 Price from 3,97 (100 Kč)
Municipal House - Smetana Hall

Dvořák Symphony Orchestra Prague (chamber) present Mozart, Tchaikovsky, Dvořák and Strauss. Dvorak Symphony Orchestra Prague will perform in a chamber cast with conductor - pianist and leading Czech singers and ballet soloists. Singers and ballet soloists will perform in period costumes.

Vivaldi - Four Seasons in Smetana hall

12.08.2024 - 20:00 Price from 3,97 (100 Kč)
Municipal House - Smetana Hall

Dvořák Symphony Orchestra Prague (chamber) present Mozart, Dvořák, Smetana and Vivaldi in Smetana Hall.

Gala concert in Smetana hall

14.08.2024 - 20:00 Price from 3,97 (100 Kč)
Municipal House - Smetana Hall

Dvořák Symphony Orchestra Prague (chamber) present Vivaldi, Dvořák, Rossini and Smetana. Dvorak Symphony Orchestra Prague will perform in a chamber cast with conductor - pianist and leading Czech singers and ballet soloists. Singers and ballet soloists will perform in period costumes.

Vivaldi - Four Seasons in Smetana hall

16.08.2024 - 20:00 Price from 3,97 (100 Kč)
Municipal House - Smetana Hall

Dvořák Symphony Orchestra Prague (chamber) present Mozart, Dvořák, Smetana and Vivaldi in Smetana Hall.

Music from Movies

17.08.2024 - 20:00 Price from 3,97 (100 Kč)
Municipal House - Smetana Hall

Dvořák Symphony Orchestra Prague (chamber) presents famous movie hits from the movies Mamma Mia, Titanic, Bohemian Rhapsody, Skyfall and many others.

Gala Opera and Ballet in Municipal House

09.09.2024 - 20:00 Price from 3,97 (100 Kč)
Municipal House - Smetana Hall

Dvořák Symphony Orchestra Prague (chamber) present Mozart, Tchaikovsky, Dvořák and Strauss. Dvorak Symphony Orchestra Prague will perform in a chamber cast with conductor - pianist and leading Czech singers and ballet soloists. Singers and ballet soloists will perform in period costumes.

Vivaldi - Four Seasons in Smetana hall

20.09.2024 - 20:00 Price from 3,97 (100 Kč)
Municipal House - Smetana Hall

Dvořák Symphony Orchestra Prague (chamber) present Mozart, Dvořák, Smetana and Vivaldi in Smetana Hall.

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