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O nás

Vážení návštěvníci vítejte na webových stránkách PRAGUE TICKET CONCERT. Náplní naší společnosti je předprodej vstupenek na nejrůznější kulturní akce v Praze. Prioritou naší společnosti je vysoká úroveň propagace všech smluvních partnerů a etika prodeje.

Další informace

Naše nabídka zahrnuje koncerty či představení v historických a kulturně prestižních místech jako je Obecní dům, Klementinum, Bazilika sv, Jiří, Španělská synagoga, Kostel sv. Jiljí, Sv. Martin ve Zdi, Sv. Mikuláš na staroměstském náměstí, Sv. Salvator aj.

Naše společnost prodává vstupenky bez servisních poplatků a příplatků. Vždy garantujeme nejnižší možnou cenu, která se shoduje s cenou pořadatele akce. Všechny způsoby rezervace vstupenek jsou v našem prodejním systému bezplatné. Pro prodej vstupenek využívá naše společnost výhradně internetového obchodu PRAGUE TICKET www.prague-ticket-concert.com.

Seznam koncertů

Prague Castle & Canal River Boat Tour (3 hours) in English

04.05.2024 - 13:30 Price from 24,00 (600 Kč)
Prague Trips & Tickets

Join us on a leisurely afternoon excursion to some of the most historic sites in Prague, including a forty-five minute river cruise and a tour of the Prague Castle complex. The focus of the tour is mostly on the left bank of the river and is a great introduction for those who have not ventured there yet.

WW2 & Anthropoid Tour (3 hours) in English

04.05.2024 - 14:00 Price from 26,00 (650 Kč)
Prague Trips & Tickets

Czechoslovakia played a pivotal role in World War Two and was key to Germany’s war effort. Behind its beautiful exterior, Prague hides scars of its past. This three-hour walking tour will explain why Hitler came to power, what role Czechoslovakia played in the Third Reich and what life was like during the Nazi occupation.

The best of Czech and World music

04.05.2024 - 17:00 Price from -1,00 (300 Kč)
St. Martin In The Wall Church

Enjoy Old Prague Music Ensamble played The best of World and Czech Music at St.Martin of the Wall, Prague.

Vivaldi Four Seasons in Old Prague

04.05.2024 - 17:00 Price from -1,00 (100 Kč)
St.Giles Church

In the concert, you will hear a unique Baroque romatic organ with 50 registers, 3 manuals and 3500 pipes! The organ has been built in 1733 and for its perfect music qualities and pleasing tones it is often a popular destination for prominent Czech and foreign organists.

Alchemy and Mysteries of Prague Castle (3 hours) in English

04.05.2024 - 18:00 Price from 26,00 (650 Kč)
Prague Trips & Tickets

This Prague Castle tour covers a mixture of legends and historical facts, taking you to one of Prague’s most enchanting areas.

Famous Ave Maria and Czech baroque music

04.05.2024 - 19:00 Price from -1,00 (350 Kč)
St. Francis of Assisi Church

Organ concerts at Knights of the Cross are drafted as one hour long coherent programmes. Besides compositions of world known masters of baroque and classicism period, sounds regularly music of Czech authors. Popular dramaturgy by listeners however artistic valuable completes rich sound of organ and its combination with solo instruments or song, so listener is still surprised by new colours and sound variations.


04.05.2024 - 19:00 Price from -1,00 (1 590 Kč)
Boccaccio Hall in Grandhotel Bohemia

Excellent Opera Singers and Musicians. Historically Protected Hall in the Heart of Prague. Exceptional Cuisine.


04.05.2024 - 19:00 Price from -1,00 (440 Kč)

Get ready to be captivated by the soulful melodies and heartfelt storytelling of one of the greatest jazz vocalists of all time.


04.05.2024 - 20:00 Price from -1,00 (499 Kč)
Srnec Black Light Theatre – inside the Reduta Jazz Club building

The performance is a selection of eight scenes from the work of Black Light Theatre Srnec since its foundation in 1961 – e.g., The Flying Bicycle, What’s next?, White Pierot in Black, or The Week of Dreams.

MAGIC PHANTOM - black light theatre show

04.05.2024 - 20:30 Price from -1,00 (390 Kč)
Art Space

HILT black light theatre, the only nominee from The Czech Republic for the World Theatre Olympics 2018 in India.

Ghosts & Legends Of Old Town

04.05.2024 - 20:30 Price from 16,00 (400 Kč)
Prague Trips & Tickets

Come with us on a ghost tour of Prague – a walk through Prague’s dark past, through narrow, cobbled streets and winding lanes where murderers, alchemists, monsters, ghosts, and spirits once walked.


05.05.2024 - 10:30 Price from 18,00 (450 Kč)
Prague Trips & Tickets

We invite you to discover the hidden history of Prague while visiting the popular sites in The City of 100 Spires.

Prague All Inclusive Tour (6 hours) in English

05.05.2024 - 10:30 Price from 49,00 (1 225 Kč)
Prague Trips & Tickets

Prague All Inclusive Tour shows you the very best of Prague in one tour. Travel on foot, by boat and by tram to get the most from this wonderful city and explore where the bus and coach trips just can’t go. Ideal for those on a short break or those who want to see what the city has to offer before exploring independently, the Prague All Inclusive Tour takes you to the major sites, accompanied by one of our knowledgeable, friendly guides and makes sure you don’t miss any of the main attractions in the city.


05.05.2024 - 13:00 Price from -1,00 (390 Kč)
Lobkowicz Palace

LISTEN TO PEARLS OF CLASSICAL MUSIC in Lobkowicz Palace‘s beautifully decorated concert hall with impressive 17th-century painted stucco ceilings. Professional musicians, including members of the Czech Philharmonic Orchestra, play for your pleasure during the Prague Castle visit.

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