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Vážení návštěvníci vítejte na webových stránkách PRAGUE TICKET CONCERT. Náplní naší společnosti je předprodej vstupenek na nejrůznější kulturní akce v Praze. Prioritou naší společnosti je vysoká úroveň propagace všech smluvních partnerů a etika prodeje.

Další informace

Naše nabídka zahrnuje koncerty či představení v historických a kulturně prestižních místech jako je Obecní dům, Klementinum, Bazilika sv, Jiří, Španělská synagoga, Kostel sv. Jiljí, Sv. Martin ve Zdi, Sv. Mikuláš na staroměstském náměstí, Sv. Salvator aj.

Naše společnost prodává vstupenky bez servisních poplatků a příplatků. Vždy garantujeme nejnižší možnou cenu, která se shoduje s cenou pořadatele akce. Všechny způsoby rezervace vstupenek jsou v našem prodejním systému bezplatné. Pro prodej vstupenek využívá naše společnost výhradně internetového obchodu PRAGUE TICKET www.prague-ticket-concert.com.

Seznam koncertů

The best of Czech and World music

20.04.2024 - 17:00 Price from 11,87 (300 Kč)
St. Martin In The Wall Church

Enjoy Old Prague Music Ensamble played The best of World and Czech Music at St.Martin of the Wall, Prague.

The best of Czech and World music

27.04.2024 - 17:00 Price from 11,87 (300 Kč)
St. Martin In The Wall Church

Enjoy Old Prague Music Ensamble played The best of World and Czech Music at St.Martin of the Wall, Prague.

The best of Czech and World music

04.05.2024 - 17:00 Price from 11,87 (300 Kč)
St. Martin In The Wall Church

Enjoy Old Prague Music Ensamble played The best of World and Czech Music at St.Martin of the Wall, Prague.

The best of Czech and World music

11.05.2024 - 17:00 Price from 11,87 (300 Kč)
St. Martin In The Wall Church

Enjoy Old Prague Music Ensamble played The best of World and Czech Music at St.Martin of the Wall, Prague.

The best of Czech and World music

18.05.2024 - 17:00 Price from 11,87 (300 Kč)
St. Martin In The Wall Church

Enjoy Old Prague Music Ensamble played The best of World and Czech Music at St.Martin of the Wall, Prague.

The best of Czech and World music

25.05.2024 - 17:00 Price from 11,87 (300 Kč)
St. Martin In The Wall Church

Enjoy Old Prague Music Ensamble played The best of World and Czech Music at St.Martin of the Wall, Prague.

The best of Czech and World music

01.06.2024 - 17:00 Price from 11,87 (300 Kč)
St. Martin In The Wall Church

Enjoy Old Prague Music Ensamble played The best of World and Czech Music at St.Martin of the Wall, Prague.

The best of Czech and World music

08.06.2024 - 17:00 Price from 11,87 (300 Kč)
St. Martin In The Wall Church

Enjoy Old Prague Music Ensamble played The best of World and Czech Music at St.Martin of the Wall, Prague.

The best of Czech and World music

15.06.2024 - 17:00 Price from 11,87 (300 Kč)
St. Martin In The Wall Church

Enjoy Old Prague Music Ensamble played The best of World and Czech Music at St.Martin of the Wall, Prague.

The best of Czech and World music

22.06.2024 - 17:00 Price from 11,87 (300 Kč)
St. Martin In The Wall Church

Enjoy Old Prague Music Ensamble played The best of World and Czech Music at St.Martin of the Wall, Prague.

The best of Czech and World music

29.06.2024 - 17:00 Price from 11,87 (300 Kč)
St. Martin In The Wall Church

Enjoy Old Prague Music Ensamble played The best of World and Czech Music at St.Martin of the Wall, Prague.

The best of Czech and World music

06.07.2024 - 17:00 Price from 11,87 (300 Kč)
St. Martin In The Wall Church

Enjoy Old Prague Music Ensamble played The best of World and Czech Music at St.Martin of the Wall, Prague.

The best of Czech and World music

13.07.2024 - 17:00 Price from 11,87 (300 Kč)
St. Martin In The Wall Church

Enjoy Old Prague Music Ensamble played The best of World and Czech Music at St.Martin of the Wall, Prague.

The best of Czech and World music

20.07.2024 - 17:00 Price from 11,87 (300 Kč)
St. Martin In The Wall Church

Enjoy Old Prague Music Ensamble played The best of World and Czech Music at St.Martin of the Wall, Prague.

The best of Czech and World music

27.07.2024 - 17:00 Price from 11,87 (300 Kč)
St. Martin In The Wall Church

Enjoy Old Prague Music Ensamble played The best of World and Czech Music at St.Martin of the Wall, Prague.

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